Sorry for the lack of updates

I been busy with life, work and health issues.  Just turned 50 this month.  I am going to be working on the documentary again since it has been a while plus I need to interview people that worked there.  Sadly my video camera broke and I need to some how…

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Sad News

Buena Park leaders approve removal of well-known Movieland Wax Museum sign BUENA PARK – A longtime fixture of this city’s entertainment corridor will soon disappear, with Buena Park leaders agreeing to the removal of the iconic Movieland Wax Museum sign. The City Council on Tuesday night unanimously approved plans for…

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We are still here.

Things have been busy for me. My work has increased but I been working on the site here and there and I hope you notice an increase in speed. I have also gotten a car so I can try and get out there.  So much has happened to the space…

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Sorry For Lack of Updates

In Sept 2015 I was a victim of Arson and I lost my car.  Being low income I could not afford better insurance.  The basic I was able to do.  Then loosing my job and trying to get another.  I was also paying for an annual pass at Disneyland I…

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Anthony Perez RIP

Now that I got the site looking much nicer I wanted to let some of you who worked for and visited MLWM who knew Anthony Perez.  He is in most of the pictures I scanned and his was S0 gracious to donate the pictures and other items for our site.…

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New Theme

As you can see the site is complete different in looks. The theme that I like sadly is no longer being developed and is not compadable with the latest Wordpress.  I hope this one makes it easier to navigate and get around.  There are some features I have to tweek…

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